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In the wake of the Supreme Court ruling on homosexual marriage, what can churches and pastors do to protect themselves from possible lawsuits, etc? YOUR CHURCH OR MINISTRY CAN NOW PREORDER

Since the recent Supreme Court ruling on homosexual marriage we have received innumerable calls from churches and pastors asking what they can do to protect themselves from possible lawsuits, etc.
I am advising all to be prepared because SCOTUS has given the forces arrayed against Biblical morality reason to be emboldened like never before.
Lawsuits will likely escalate in number and intensity. I expect Christian businesses to be targets as well.
The days of ease and a sense of security are over. Churches must adopt a completely new mindset as well as new and very different procedures and policies.

Learn How We Will Protect Your Church and Preorder Now >

If You Or A Loved One Is The Victim Of Negligence or Crime If You Or A Loved One Is
The Victim Of Negligence or Crime

What to DO...

1. Act quickly on the steps below.
An injury or death caused by a vehicular crash, criminal act, or other negligence, should be investigated immediately by authorities - and by your lawyer - promptly - and evidence obtained before it is no longer available or witnesses become forgetful. Delays work against you.

2. Immediately report the incident (e.g., vehicular crash, assault, sexual assault, etc.) to the proper authorities as required.

3. Contact a lawyer experienced in the type of case for advice regarding your claim for civil damages.

4. Contact appropriate advocacy group/s promptly for advice and support. These might include MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and NOVA (National Organization of Victim Assistance)

5. Read this booklet. [if you are a victim of a vehicular crash, read Mr. Scarborough’s book Winning Against DUI. This book, endorsed by the National President of MADD, explains in clear, simple language what you can do to help yourself or your loved one in the event of a crash – regardless of whether drunk driving was involved. Winning Against DUI (see back cover) can be found here.]

What NOT to DO...

1. Do not delay in these steps. You will immediately be faced with making important decisions. A wrong choice can have serious and irrevocable consequences.

2. Do not make any statement except to law enforcement investigating the incident.

3. Do not discuss the incident with an insurance adjuster, defense attorney, or investigator until you have legal advice from a lawyer experienced in representing victims of the particular form of negligence or crime.

4. Do not sign any document or make any agreement verbally to settle your claim without first consulting a lawyer.

Do NOT assume that achieving justice in either the criminal prosecution of the perpetrator or in your civil claim will readily or promptly occur. Frequently victims are shocked to learn how often the legal system fails and how difficult fighting for justice can be. We have been down this road many times and understand what must be done on behalf of our clients.